Recognising career highlights and a lifetime of work

As we grow in our professional lives, if we’re skilful and, to some extent, lucky enough, we’ll experience a moment or an achievement that we and our peers recognise as an outstanding demonstration of our qualities as a legal practitioner and human being. Equally or even more important is the consistent service we provide to our clients and the community through our careers as solicitors.

Every year, the Law Society of NSW recognises members who reach their 50th year of practice with a special luncheon at our Phillip Street premises. Last week, we hosted 45 solicitors who have reached the golden anniversary of their admission.

Before the event, we send out a questionnaire to those attending to include responses in a booklet that makes for a wonderful keepsake. One of the questions is about why they stayed in the law. I was struck by this answer:

A love of the law and respect and empathy for my clients.

In just a few words, this response captures the essence of service that lies at the heart of being a legal practitioner.

There is something in the continuous, consistent service of lawyers in society that gives the community a sense of hope and trust in the law.

Having people who can wield legal ideas deftly and imaginatively, applying solutions smoothed by years of experience and knowledge, is invaluable. This is the reality of the rule of law as it is practised by solicitors: consistency, trust, and concern for what is human.

I congratulate and thank all who attended for their dedication to serving the justice system and their community.

Along with recognising those who have shown an enduring commitment to this profession, the Law Society also honours those who have demonstrated excellence in their field at our Annual Members Dinner and Awards Night.

There are awards for individual practitioners across the practice sectors, as well as for early career lawyers, the Committee Member of the Year, Pro Bono Service Award and the Wellbeing Champion or Project of the Year.

These awards serve as a reminder of the critical role lawyers play in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of individuals and communities.

The most prestigious award for the night is the President’s Medal, to be awarded to the member who has made a significant personal and professional contribution to the betterment of law and justice in the community.

You can read more and make a nomination (even for yourself) here for the Member Awards. Nominations for the President’s Medal can be made here. Nominations close just before midnight on Tuesday, 15 October and finalists are announced on 22 October.

The Annual Members Dinner and Awards Night will be held on Friday, 6 December at the Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney. You can book your seat or table here. I’m thrilled that 20 per cent of the ticket proceeds will go to my President’s Charity, United Way Australia which delivers Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing you at this Old Hollywood Glamour-themed event.

Brett McGrath, President, Law Society of NSW