Specialist Sitting Arrangements During the Local Court Annual Conference

Normal rostered sittings of the Local Court, Children’s Court and Coronial Jurisdiction will be suspended on and from Wednesday 26 June 2024 and will recommence on Monday 1 July 2024, for the Local Court’s Magistrates Annual Conference.


Metropolitan areas

Local Court – custody

Six acting magistrates will be rostered at Parramatta Local Court to determine bail for adults, who remain in custody across NSW and to consider any urgent applications for Apprehended Violence Orders that are lodged state-wide.

All adults remanded in custody in NSW are to be dealt with via Audio Visual Link (AVL) facilities.

Regional areas

Local Court - custody

Acting magistrates based at Parramatta Local Court will conduct bail hearings when required for the following regional hub locations: Newcastle, Tamworth, Port Macquarie, Lismore, Wollongong, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga.

Appearances will be in accordance with the agreed standard operating procedures for both metropolitan and regional locations.

Domestic and Personal Violence – Police Informants

Police may apply for urgent orders during business hours to the Central Justice Panel by forwarding a prepared Provisional (Ex Parte) Apprehended Violence Order to the court.

Police may also apply for urgent orders 24 hours per day through the electronic transfer in box, [email protected]. Please note the Central Justice Panel operates from 8am to 3pm, the Extended Registry from 3pm to 11pm and Authorised Justices on the ‘After Hours’ roster between 11pm and 8am.

Urgent AVO’s – Private Informants

An acting magistrate will be available at Parramatta Local Court during the Annual Conference to determine urgent applications only during Court sitting hours.

For further information regarding the arrangements for metropolitan areas, please contact [email protected].


Two acting magistrates will be rostered at Parramatta Children’s Court to determine bail applications, urgent applications for Apprehended Violence Orders and urgent applications for care and protection orders from across the state.

Any young person who is taken into custody and refused bail by police is to be transported to the nearest Detention Centre and brought before Parramatta Children’s Court via Audio Visual Link from that Detention Centre. Please note that in regional areas where long distances are required to transport the young person to the Detention Centre it may in the interests of the young person to appear at Parramatta Children’s Court via AVL from the police station where the young person is detained, provided appropriate AVL facilities are available. If an appropriate AVL is not available at the police station the young person will be transported to the closest location where appropriate AVL is available.

Applications for urgent Apprehended Violence Orders where the defendant is a young person are to be lodged at the nearest court and transmitted to Parramatta Children’s Court by court staff for determination by an acting magistrate during court sitting hours. Should the parties wish to attend court, court staff will assist the parties to appear by AVL.

Applications for Emergency Care and Protection Orders or applications for care and protection orders where a child has been removed or where care has been assumed are to be lodged at the nearest court.  Staff at that Court should contact Parramatta Children’s Court (8688 1888) to obtain an urgent listing date at Parramatta. Parties in regional or rural locations should, in appropriate cases, be assisted by court staff to connect with the duty lawyer and to appear at Parramatta Children’s Court via Audio or Audio-Visual Link.


NSW Police Force have been advised that should a person attend a police station anywhere in NSW during this period regarding applications to vary bails they should be asked to call the New South Wales Courts Service Centre (NSWCSC) on 1300 679 272.  Upon receiving a call, the NSWCSC will provide assistance and if necessary, directly transfer the person to a senior staff member at the relevant court location.  In limited circumstances, an Authorised Justice may grant a bail variation if there is no objection by the prosecutor, or in the case of a young person, the application may be listed before the court.


The Coroner’s Court Registry will be open on all days during the Annual Conference. Any coronial enquiries received by the NSWCSC will be transferred to the Coroners’ Court for response. Further information regarding arrangements for the Coroners Court can be provided by Gemma Baker-Finch, Executive Officer, Coroners Court via email to: [email protected].