Stepping up into a busy new year 
President's Message | 15 January 2024

The presents have been opened, the resolutions made and hopefully, for those who were able, a refreshing break has been had. Now the hard work of another year begins.

I rise to this office, on the shoulders of past presidents who for more than 180 years have led the solicitors of NSW. I am grateful to each of them and their unwavering commitment to defending the rights of all.

At the outset of this, my first President’s Message, I wish to sincerely thank my predecessor Cassandra Banks for her dedicated service to the Law Society of NSW as President in 2023.

Cassandra is to be congratulated on her significant progress, not only on her President’s Priorities for her term, but also across a range of matters on which the Law Society has provided advocacy to government and the courts, including during last year’s state election campaign.

I am looking forward to outlining my President’s Priorities for 2024 at the Opening of Law Term Dinner on 31 January. I’m thrilled that this night, which also features the traditional address from the Chief Justice of NSW, has been sold out. As will be clear from the identification of those Priorities, my work, and that of your Law Society Councillors, will be well and truly cut out.

As this year marks the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Supreme Court of NSW, events marking this bicentenary will provide members with more opportunities, including in our regions, to connect with each other and reflect on the impact of the legal profession and justice system on the development of our state and nation.

You can expect to hear more about these important events from the Law Society and the Supreme Court in coming weeks and months.

I encourage members to attend the various Opening of Law Term services, held across NSW to mark the commencement of the legal year.

There are services for the major faith groups, including Red Masses at St Mary’s Sydney and St Patricks, Parramatta, the Anglican service at Francis Greenway’s beautiful St James Church and services at the Great Synagogue, the Rahma Mosque, and the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of Our Lady, as well as services and ceremonies in regional NSW, including Albury and Newcastle.

Standing with one voice

One of the great privileges of this role is to be invited to speak at the swearings-in of judicial officers. Almost all who are appointed to the bench started their legal careers as solicitors. I encourage members to attend as many of these events as you are able.

When the representative of each branch of the profession speaks from the bar, they do so as the voice of their branch. This is why all barristers present stand when the Attorney General speaks on their behalf. I encourage all solicitors present at swearings-in to also stand when the representative of our branch rises to speak. I look forward to seeing you there!

Brett McGrath, President, Law Society of NSW