‘CPD by the beach’ a swell success
President's Message | 23 October 2023

It was wonderful to see almost 70 practitioners and senior Law Society staff members connect over a full day of professional development at Coffs Harbour on Thursday last week.

The Law Society is excited to have launched our regional development professional program this year, with the support of our Regional Presidents.

I was joined by some familiar faces from the Coffs profession and had the pleasure to meet practitioners who travelled from as far as Sydney to join this CPD by the beach program where we explored key themes including ethics, cyber security, business development, trust accounts, and professional conduct.

I not only want to thank all those who attended, but the presenters who provided stimulating content to assist practitioners in many aspects of their businesses.

The program concluded with a lovely dinner where we all got to relax and enjoy the company of fellow members of our profession. Members can look forward to more of these events in the future.

A family tradition of service

In the law there are plenty of examples of families creating a tradition of making lives and careers in the legal profession. Today I want to highlight the service of a father-daughter team in one of NSW’s most active Regional Law Societies.

Last week, Louisa McKimm ended her two-year term as President of the St George-Sutherland Regional Law Society. Louisa followed in the wake of her father, Alan McKimm a 43-year member of the Law Society of NSW. Similarly, Melanie Stern presently leads the Eastern Suburbs Law Society, a post once occupied by her father, Terry.

Having been active as co-President of the Clarence River & Coffs Harbour Regional Law Society, I can attest to the challenges and rewards of being a regional leader of the profession.

As I wrote to Alan and Louisa when she stepped down as President, I am certain their dedication, commitment to support the profession, and desire to serve as Regional Presidents have enriched their legal community and those who have worked and served alongside them. Congratulations both!

Annual Dinner and Awards Night

On the subject of service, I would like to repeat my encouragement of a few weeks ago for you to think about solicitors who deserve recognition from their peers for the contributions they’re making to the profession and to the broader community. You are also allowed to nominate yourself!

Awards in nine categories will be presented, as well as the prestigious President’s Medal, at our 2023 Annual Members Dinner and Awards Night on Thursday, 7 December. It will be a magnificent event, celebrating outstanding members who have made significant personal and professional contributions to the advancement of law and justice within our community.

Along with the glorious three-course meal from the Four Seasons Hotel kitchen, you can catch up with friends and colleagues, enjoying the entertainment. Nominate a solicitor for an award here. Book your tickets to enjoy a fabulous evening here.

Cassandra Banks, President, Law Society of NSW